The Documents of the Bamiyan Caves-Standing on the Crossing of Cultural Interchange.

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  • 写真と文化財の関わり  (その2)  解説  バーミヤン石窟撮影記  東西文化の十字路に立って
  • バーミヤン セックツ サツエイキ トウザイ ブンカ ノ ジュウジロ ニ タッテ
  • Standing on the Crossing of Cultural Interchange
  • 東西文化の十字路に立って

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In May of 2002, I visited The Bamiyan caves by myself to see if the wall paintings that were believed to be completely destroyed were stell there, and I reported. After the report, the government of Japan took the initiative of contributing $700, 000 for restorathion of the wall painting and UNESCO soon followed. In my report, I will introduce the methods in which I was able to photograph the Bamiyan caves and gather materials of Asia. Furthemore, I have attached a list of additional wall paintings.



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