Development of foot pressure shoes for recognizing human's behaviors

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  • 行動解析用足圧シューズの開発
  • コウドウ カイセキヨウ ソクアツ シューズ ノ カイハツ

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A wearable system which monitors human's state real-timely and offers services based on human's objective, preference, location and state is needed. We developed a system which monitors human's movement by a wristwatch-type motion sensor and foot pressure shoes which send data to a wearable PC via Bluetooth and gives appropriate contents on a face mounted display without hindering action and annoying to the user. The algorithm of foot pressure shoes for recognizing behaviors (walking, running, standing, sitting, squatting) by plantar pressure patterns was verified. They can be used for improving the accuracy of user's state estimation.


  • Micromechatronics

    Micromechatronics 49 (193), 1-12, 2005

    The Horological Institute of Japan

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