Falling of a Spherical Particle in Microbubble Plume and Microbubble Behavior around the Particle

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  • マイクロバブルプルームの内部を落下する球形粒子の運動と粒子まわりのマイクロバブルの挙動


<p>This study conducts experimental exploration on the motion of a solid spherical particle falling in a microbubble plume and the bubble behavior around the particle. Bubbles with a mean diameter of 0.037 mm, released into a rectangular conduit using the electrolysis of water, rise by the buoyant force and induce a bubble plume. A spherical particle with a diameter 11.1 mm and density 1130 kg/m3 is released from the top of the conduit. The experiment clarifies that the particle falls meandering through the plume and that the terminal velocity is almost the same as that for a particle falling in quiescent water. The experiment also makes clear that the bubbles separate from the particle surface and that the separation induces a stagnation area just behind the particle. A wake still exists at a location with a distance of three times of the particle diameter from the particle.</p>


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