REBCO 線材の超電導接続


  • Superconducting Joining Method between REBCO Coated Conductors
  • REBCO線材の超電導接続 : HTS永久電流モードNMRを実現したiGS接続技術
  • REBCO センザイ ノ チョウデンドウセツゾク : HTS エイキュウ デンリュウ モード NMR オ ジツゲン シタ iGS セツゾク ギジュツ
  • - iGS Joints Realizing an HTS NMR Magnet Operated in a Persistent Current Mode -
  • ―HTS 永久電流モードNMR を実現したiGS 接続技術―<i> </i>



<p>A superconducting joining method for high-temperature superconductors (HTSs) is one of the key technologies needed to realize persistent current operations in HTS magnets such as NMR and MRI. We have succeeded in developing a practical superconducting joining method between REBa2Cu3Oy (REBCO, RE: rare earth elements)-coated conductors with a microcrystalline REBCO precursor intermediate layer. The microcrystalline REBCO precursor intermediate layer is sandwiched between c-axis oriented REBCO layers and is joined with them. The crystal growth process during heat treatment has been investigated by observing cross-sectional views of the precursor layer. Cross-sectional TEM images showed that the precursor grew epitaxially from both the upper and lower surfaces of the c-axis-oriented REBCO layers. Then the entire precursor grew with both of the REBCO layers being joined with c-axis orientation. The iGS joint gives a critical current of >70 A at 77 K under self-magnetic fields. The total processing time, including joining heat treatment and oxygen annealing, is less than one day. This joining method allows us to operate a 400-MHz (9.4 T) HTS NMR magnet with a sufficiently stable magnetic field, and thus we have succeeded in obtaining NMR spectra.</p>


  • 低温工学

    低温工学 55 (4), 262-267, 2020-07-20

    公益社団法人 低温工学・超電導学会 (旧 社団法人 低温工学協会)

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