<i>In Site</i> Control of Photochromic Reaction with Dual Photoreactive Complex Soft Crystal with Visible Light Irradiation

  • SEKINE Akiko
    Tokyo Institute of Technology, School of Science, Department of Chemistry

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  • デュアル光反応錯体ソフトクリスタルを用いた可視光照射によるその場フォトクロミズム制御
  • デュアル ヒカリ ハンノウ サクタイ ソフトクリスタル オ モチイタ カシコウ ショウシャ ニ ヨル ソノ バ フォトクロミズム セイギョ

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<p>Photochromic compounds have attracted the attention of chemists not only for the scientific point of view but also for their potential application in light control material and optical switching devices and so on. So far, we have studied the relationship between the photochromic characteristic behavior and the crystal structures of organic photochromic compounds. As the next step, we designed a new type of cobalt complex soft crystals which have two kinds of photoreactive moieties in the crystalline-state; these are called dual photoreactive complexes. In situ control of crystalline-state photochromism of salicylideneaniline derivatives and spiropyran derivatives and solid-state photoreaction of azobenzene derivatives were achieved using this new type of the cobalt complex soft crystals.</p>


  • Nihon Kessho Gakkaishi

    Nihon Kessho Gakkaishi 63 (1), 38-43, 2021-02-28

    The Crystallographic Society of Japan


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