Seasonal control of nymphal development by photoperiod and temperature in the cricket <i>Modicogryllus siamensis </i>

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  • タンボコオロギにおける光周期と温度による幼虫発育の制御機構
  • タンボコオロギ ニ オケル ヒカリ シュウキ ト オンド ニ ヨル ヨウチュウ ハツイク ノ セイギョ キコウ

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<p>Most insects overwinter in a diapause state and some do as nymphs, but the molecular mechanism of the nymphal diapause remains largely to be explored. We analyzed the mechanism of nymphal diapause in the cricket Modicogryllus siamensis which occurs widely over Honshu and Kyushu. We found that day length and temperature regulate nymphal diapause in two separate ways, i.e., day length determines the number of molts and final body weight by controlling the JH synthesis system, while temperature controls the growth rate through the Insulin/TOR signaling system. In the field, short days and low temperatures during autumn and winter may reduce the nymphal growth rate and extend the nymphal period by extra-molts, allowing nymphs to live through the severe winter. Recent studies suggested that epigenetic regulation may be involved in the mechanism of photoperiodic determination of the development. We hope that the mechanism will be elucidated by using modern molecular biological techniques.</p>



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