

  • Kosodate Hiroba and Conversation Analysis: A Sketch
  • 子育てひろばと会話分析 : 素描
  • コソダテヒロバ ト カイワ ブンセキ : ソビョウ



<p>I work on conversation analysis of interactions in kosodate hiroba in present-day Japan. Mothers take their very young children to kosodate hiroba, where they spend time watching them, sharing their problems with and getting advice from kosodate hiroba staff members and other mothers, and enjoy conversations. Based on long-term participant observation and interviews in two kosodate hiroba in Osaka, I analyze videotaped conversations among mothers and staff members and identify, in detail, several conversational ``devices'' and ``procedures,'' many of which concern mothers' ``troubles-talk'' about childcare. This study can contribute to the sociology of the family and to the study of child and family welfare/well-being, as well as to the rapidly developing field of conversation analysis regarding talk in institutional settings, in the sense that it investigates the actual interactional processes through which so-called childcare anxieties are reduced and social networks for childcare are constructed in kosodate hiroba.</p>


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