静振の再測から求めた湾や港の卓越周期(1) : 東北日本太平洋岸


  • Seiche dominant periods of bays and ports determined from a repeated measurement(1) : Pacific coast of Northeast Japan
  • セイシン ノ サイソク カラ モトメタ ワン ヤ ミナト ノ タクエツ シュウキ 1 トウホク ニホン タイヘイヨウガン



Sea level oscillations for six hours in a usual sea condition (seiche) were measured at 45 Pacific coasts of northeast Japan in two or three times. The averaged power spectra were calculated and dominant periods were extracted from the spectral peaks for all the points. As the result it is understood that the spectra vary depending on the closed ness. The spectrum consists of one peak and the same dominant period is repeatedly detected in a long bay but of some peaks and the dominant period is variable in a short or wide bay. In the case of port facing to the open ocean, the spectrum is approximated by the white one and the dominant period is unstable.


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