Survey for teachers about picture book that convey the significance of class activities (1)

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  • 学級活動の良さや進め方を伝える絵本開発(1) : 学ぶ環境を創造する教師を対象とした質問紙調査
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This study examined the usefulness of picture book that convey the significance of class activities for teachers. From the results, the developed picture book is (1) the teacher feels that the child may lead to the understanding of the consensus building process and the meaning of cooperation, and (2) teachers feel that it is particularly useful for third and fourth graders, but also for other grades., and (3)it was shown that many teachers considered using it for future practice and found it useful as a tool for learning teachers' guidance and advice.These results suggested a certain usefulness of it.


  • 学校教育実践学研究

    学校教育実践学研究 27 153-160, 2021-03-19


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