The development of Renewable Energy projects and the Credibility scheme

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  • 再生可能エネルギー事業の社会的普及と信用力スキーム
  • サイセイ カノウ エネルギー ジギョウ ノ シャカイテキ フキュウ ト シンヨウリョク スキーム

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英文:This paper seeks to establish the credibility between local businesses and banks by the theoretical framework of a “Credibility Schema” in the field of renewable energy. Businesses, banks and other related organizations form the framework. Renewable Energy projects have the potentials to lead spontaneous developments in rural areas where have suffered from economic stagnation. Local banks, however, have hesitated to finance local RE businesses. This is due not only to local RE businesses being small and fewer resources but also because Japanese banks have been restricted by the financial structure of the post-war era that tends to make local banks unwilling to finance businesses in new industry. Under these circumstances, the credibility schema would become non-active. Compared to Germany where due diligence corporations play an important role, we’ve found that a third player is essential to activate the schema. This player isn’t a business or a bank in the credibility schema. In Japan, credit guarantee corporations are established in all parts of the country. That is why they could be the third player. Our survey of credit guarantee corporations, conducted in 2012, shows that they aren’t so positive to support RE projects by local businesses. For RE projects by local businesses to develop widely, besides a part of local banks and local governments’ supports, credit guarantee corporations must back up local businesses and banks.


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