Sparganium natans L. (Typhaceae) was collected by Faurie at Atsuma in Hokkaido, Japan

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  • フォーリーが採集したヒナミクリSparganium natans L.(ガマ科) の産地は厚真である
  • フォーリー ガ サイシュウ シタ ヒナミクリ Sparganium natans L.(ガマカ)ノ サンチ ワ コウ シン デ アル

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The presumed locality of Sparganium natans L. collected by Faurie in 1893 has apparently been misidentified [Faurie10368 (K)]. Based on original label and the record of Faurie's planthunting itinerary, it is clear that the locality was Atsuma in Hokkaido, Japan.


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