A Comparison on Numerical Accuracy of the Reflection Coefficients in Different Frequency-Dependent FDTD Schemes for the Drude-Lorentz Model


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  • Drude-Lorentzモデルに対する複数の周波数分散性FDTDスキームにおける反射係数の数値精度の比較


The reflection at the gold expressed by the Drude-Lorentz model was simulated. Different frequency-dependent finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) methods, such as recursive convolution (RC), auxiliary differential equation (ADE), and Z transform schemes are implemented in the 1D FDTD method. In the previous studies, there is no work to quantify the accuracy and evaluate the errors of the reflection coefficients in these schemes. In this paper, the errors were quantitatively evaluated and compared. This paper shows that the RC scheme calculates the reflection coefficient with first-order accuracy, while the TRC, PLRC, and ADE schemes calculate it with second-order accuracy.

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