An Exploratory Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Promotion Policies with Related Indicators: Focusing on Corporate Actions Related to the Promotion of Women's Advancement


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  • 相対的指標を用いた昇進施策効果の評価に関する探索的研究―女性活躍推進に係る企業行動に着目して―


<p>In this study, we used the “promotion ratio” as a relative indicator of equality in the promotion of men and women to management positions, and conducted an analysis focusing on the actions of companies related to the promotion of womenʼs activities.</p><p>For the analysis, we used our own data matching the action plan for promotion of Womenʼs Activities and the panel data for 2016, 2019, and 2021 company data from the Database of Companies that Promote Womenʼs Advancement (MHLW). The companies included in the data used in the analysis (n=164) were typified by hierarchical cluster analysis based on promotion ratio in 2016, and the characteristics of each cluster group were identified.</p><p>As a result, four groups were selected, and in each group, the promotion ratio increased over time. On the other hand, the cohesiveness of the groups as of 2016 has not been maintained, and even within the same group, the internal and external environments may have different impacts on the firm concerned.</p><p>An analysis of the relationship with corporate actions related to the promotion of womenʼs activities confirmed that many companies in the group considered to be promoting women to managerial positions are promoting early career development and expanding the range of duties and positions.</p><p>On the other hand, we also recognized a group in which women are being promoted to section chiefs but not to managerial positions. A follow-up survey is needed to determine if there are problems in promoting management positions or if they are in a transitional period in which they are forming a pool of candidates for management positions.</p><p>It also needs to be assessed separately whether the approach and speed at which women are promoted to managerial positions is bringing about the desired state of affairs for the women themselves and for the company.</p>


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