Five Cases of Acute Laryngitis Requiring Emergency Tracheostomy

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  • 緊急気管切開術を要した急性喉頭炎の5例
  • 臨床 緊急気管切開術を要した急性喉頭炎の5例
  • リンショウ キンキュウキカン セッカイジュツ オ ヨウシタ キュウセイ コウトウエン ノ 5レイ

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<p>Acute epiglottitis often causes rapidly progressive airway obstruction and death. Acute laryngitis other than epiglottitis can also sometimes cause airway obstruction and necessitate tracheostomy. Among patients who presented to our department from October 2009 to January 2017, 31 patients with acute epiglottitis required emergency tracheostomy. On the other hand, 5 patients with acute laryngitis other than epiglottitis, including 4 males and 1 female, also required emergency tracheostomy. These patients ranged in age from 56 to 68 years old. They presented to our hospital 3–6 days after developing sore throat, and endoscopic examination revealed laryngitis with airway obstruction, but no swelling of the epiglottis. Endoscopic examination is useful for making a decision on the need for tracheostomy. Laboratory data sometimes do not accurately reflect the severity of the airway obstruction.</p>


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