Verrucous carcinoma of the perineum metastasizing to the lung after radiotherapy

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  • 放射線照射後に多発肺転移を来した会陰部のverrucous carcinoma

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An 81-year-old woman visited our hospital because of a 35×45mm tumor and red-white colored plaque spreading from the labium minus to the right side of the anus. At the first biopsy, the tumor was diagnosed as benign, and then cryotherapy was used. The tumor decreased in size temporarily, but became enlarged again. Therefore we performed a biopsy three times and finally obtained a diagnosis of verrucous carcinoma. She was treated with radiotherapy. Two months after the last irradiation, tumor metastasis to the lung and the inguinal lymph nodes were recognized. She died two months after the detection of the metastasis. Microscopic diagnosis of verrucous carcinoma may be difficult because of its well-differentiated character. Brush biopsy is not reliable enough ; deep and extensive histologic examination is required. The use of radiotherapy to treat verrucous carcinoma remains controversial, because it may potentially induce anaplastic transformation. Thus, the radiotherapy should be limited to inoperable cases such as that which we experienced.[Skin Cancer (Japan) 2010 ; 25 : 11-15]


  • Skin Cancer

    Skin Cancer 25 (1), 11-15, 2010

    The Japanese Skin Cancer Society


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