Challenges and Solutions of Implementing Climate Change Adaptation Measures in Local Government

    Tokyo Metropolitan Research Institute for Environmental Protection
  • BABA Kenshi
    Tokyo Metropolitan Research Institute for Environmental Protection

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  • -インタラクティブ・アプローチの検証とワークショップの実践-
  • – Verifying an Interactive Approach and Practice of a Workshop –

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As adaptation measures are essential to minimize the impacts of climate change, local governments are required to immediately integrate adaptation measures with existing measures. However there are some challenges with such integration, including stagnating discussions because of difficulties in dealing with climate prediction, challenges in creating a sense of ownership of adaptation measures and lack of specified procedures for integrating adaptation measures with existing ones. To overcome these difficulties, we propose “an interactive approach” based on experiences in considering climate change adaptation in the Tokyo metropolitan government..<BR>The interactive approach can be divided into two parts consisting of a comprehensive part and an individual part. The comprehensive part is based on various climate predictions that have been developed in Japan. The individual part originates from verification of existing measures. This approach aims to ensure smooth integration of adaptation measures with existing ones..<BR>This paper describes the results of discussions about the interactive approach with practitioners of leading local governments around the world and examines a case study about this approach in Japanese local government through practical workshops. Our success in obtaining approval from leading practitioners and raising awareness among Japanese practitioners by identifying adaption measures through case studies shows initial effectiveness in following this approach.



    ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 28 (1), 27-36, 2015


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