Row-wise Multiple Comparisons in a Two-way Contingency Table

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  • 分割表における行の多重比較法について
  • ブンカツヒョウ ニ オケル ギョウ ノ タジュウ ヒカクホウ ニ ツイテ

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The paper by Tanase and Matsuda (2006) is dealing only with the pair-wise comparisons of rows under the title of ‘Multiple Comparison Procedures for Contingency Table and their Evaluation’. However, ‘the Scheffé type method of Hirotsu (1992)’ introduced in Section 4.1 of their paper is actually the old version of the year 1983 and there is also something wrong or inappropriate in the evaluation of the probability approximation method and also the power. In the present note we therefore try to make it precise by giving a new formulation of the Scheffé type method for the row-wise multiple comparisons proposed for analyzing interaction effects in two-way ANOVA model specifically to a contingency table and as well as a new result of the probability approximation. The difference of the two approaches of the Scheffé type method and the method comparing a few limited contrasts is also mentioned.


  • Ouyou toukeigaku

    Ouyou toukeigaku 37 (2), 77-88, 2008

    Japanese Society of Applied Statistics


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