Inter-specific comparison of the life history of three Arachniodes ferns in Hokkaido

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  • 北海道におけるカナワラビ属3種の比較生活史
  • 北海道におけるカナワラビ属3種の比較生活史〔英文〕
  • ホッカイドウ ニ オケル カナワラビゾク 3シュ ノ ヒカク セイカツシ エイ

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An inter-specific comparison of the life history of three Arachniodes ferns in Hokkaido was conducted, including their altitudinal distributions, habitat preferences, fertility, changes in leaf-shape and leaflet number during the sporophyte development. The average altitudinal distribution for A. mutica, A. miqueliana and A. standishii were 925.6, 718.9 and 565.4 m, above sea level on 11 mountains in Hokkaido, respectively. The maximum number of venation (MNV, the maximum number of midrib branches on the leaf in a population) was 59-NV, 66-NV and 79-NV, respectively. The average and MNV on fertile leaves decreased with increasing altitude. Initiation of the fertility (IF) in the relative developmental age (RDA, 100 ×NV/MNV) was 64, 59 and 61% in A. mutica, A. miqueliana and A. standishii, respectively. A. miqueliana, which occurred mainly on south-facing slopes on the deciduous forest floor, showed the earliest IF in the RDA among the three Arachniodes species. The leaf formation of A. mutica and A. standishii was similar to one another until the juvenile sporophyte. Thereafter, the leaf-shape inn A. mutica was transformed into the elliptical-oval shape. In addition, there was a slight increase in leaflet number during the compact developmental age expressed by NV. On the other hand, the leaf-shape of A. miqueliana changed from triangulate to pentagonal. These quantitative morphological comparisons made in the course of the sporophyte development seem to be valuable for the recognition of taxa, and furthermore to establish a sound classificatory system of a group in study.


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