Fretting Wear of DLC Film Coated on SUS304 Stainless Steel - The Wear Property in Seawater and Its Improvement
- Shima Masayuki
- 東京海洋大学
- Huang Tonglin
- 東京海洋大学
- Konda Yasuhiro
- 東京海洋大学
- Sugawara Takashi
- 東京海洋大学
- Jibiki Tatsuhiro
- 東京海洋大学
Bibliographic Information
- Other Title
- SUS304鋼に被覆されたDLC膜のフレッチング摩耗 - 海水中における摩耗特性とその改善
- SUS304コウ ニ ヒフク サレタ DLCマク ノ フレッチング マモウ : カイスイチュウ ニ オケル マモウ トクセイ ト ソノ カイゼン
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In this paper, the effects of DLC film coated on a stainless steel (SUS304) on fretting wear in seawater are examined. Special attention is focused on the effects of mating materials and the cathode rust prevention of Zn attached to the SUS304 on fretting damages. The experiments show that using soft copper alloy as the mating material is effective for preventing fretting damage of DLC film and that Zn is very effective for preventing damage in seawater.
- Marine Engineering
Marine Engineering 49 (2), 260-267, 2014
The Japan Institute of Marine Engineering
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390282679547519744
- NII Article ID
- 130005087314
- NII Book ID
- AA11505252
- 18843778
- 13461427
- 025305656
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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- Disallowed