Recent Study of Poly (vinyl alcohol)-based Ion Exchange Membranes

  • Higa Mitsuru
    Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Yamaguchi University
  • Nishimura Megumi
    Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Yamaguchi University

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  • PVA系イオン交換膜に関する最近の研究
  • PVAケイ イオン コウカン マク ニ カンスル サイキン ノ ケンキュウ

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Ion-exchange membranes with a semi-interpenetrating network structure were prepared by blending poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) and polyelectrolytes. The membranes obtained were physically cross-linked by annealing them at various temperatures and chemically cross-linked by reaction with glutaraldehyde aqueous solutions to obtain heterogeneously cross-linked structure in the membrane. The charge density of the membrane increased with increasing polyelectrolyte content, annealing temperatures and the concentration of a cross-linker agent.<br>The permeability coefficient of methanol through the PVA-based cation-exchange membrane was 30 times lower than that of Nafion®117 under the same conditions. The PVA based membrane had about 3 times higher proton permselectivity than Nafion®117.<br>A bipolar membrane and a charge mosaic membrane were also prepared by pasting PVA-based cation-exchange layers and anion-exchange layers. The permselectivity for salt through the PVA-based charge mosaic membranes was more than 30 times higher than the charge mosaic membrane Desalton® (Tosoh Co. Ltd.)<br>The PVA based ion-exchange membranes can be prepared more cheaply and have more anti-fouling properties than commercially-available ion-exchange membranes prepared from styrene- divinylbenzene based resin. Hence, the PVA based membranes will have potential application to the desalination of salt water or purification of biochemical materials or food additives.



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