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  • 精神発達遅滞幼児の集団遊戯療法における対人行動
  • セイシン ハッタツ チタイ ヨウジ ノ シュウダン ユウギ リョウホウ ニ オ

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The purpose of this study was to promote the interpersonal behavior of the young retarded children in the group play therapy. In analyzing the children's behaviors in the course of therapy sessions, use was made both of interpersonal behavior and play behavior. The interpersonal behavior was categorized according to the extent to which a child related himself with other fellow children. The play behavior was categorized according to the kind and quality of play a child chose and the kind of play materials a child used. The results were as follows: 1) it was found that the children had a more intimate relationship with the therapist than with other fellow children; 2) the imitative play was ranked highest in the social type of play and the next came the motor play. The sand play was very popular amongchildren but it remained as a parallel play. The children had a close relationship with the therapist only in the music play and the constructive play; 3) the more differentiated the play they chose was, the more a close relationship was promoted; 4) such play materials as pistols, swords, dolls, monsters, musical instruments and building blocks were used when a close interpersonal relationship appeared; and 5) as for the interpersonal behavior in individual cases, the specific relationship between paticular children observed in the first few sessions of the therapy remained almost the same as in the final few observations, but as for the category of play behavior, findings of the first few bservations were not always identified with those of the final few observations.


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