LCA手法による自動販売機の環境負荷解析. 評価とエコ改善効果


  • Analysis and Assessment of Environmental Load of Vending Machines by a LCA Method, and Eco-Improvement Effect
  • LCA シュホウ ニ ヨル ジドウ ハンバイキ ノ カンキョウ フカ カイセキ ヒョウカ ト エコ カイゼン コウカ



These days the environmental impact due to vending machines'(VM) diffusion has greatly been discussed. This paper describes the numerical evaluation of the environmental impact by using the LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) scheme and then proposes eco-improvements' strategy toward environmentally conscious products(ECP). A new objective and universal consolidated method for the LCA-evaluation, so-called LCA-NETS(Numerical Eco-load Standardization ) developed by the authors is applied to the present issue. As a result, the environmental loads at the 5years' operation and the material procurement stages are found to dominate others over the life cycle. Further eco-improvement is realized by following the order of the LCA-NETS magnitude; namely, energy saving, materials reducing, parts' re-using, and replacing with low environmental load material. Above all, parts' re-using is specially recommendable for significant reduction of the environmental loads toward ECP.


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