• KAWABE Akihiro
    Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, Univ. of Tsukuba
    Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems, Univ. of Tsukuba

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 In Japan, it becomes important to research the aspects of City Shrinkage and other urban form changes that caused by shrinking population. In this paper, the trends of urban form changes of Japanese cities were analyzed with Polycentrism Indicators which were acquired using “Polycentricity” which is one of the new configuration analysis named “Metropolitan Form Analysis (MFA)” proposed in Amindarbari et al. (2013). As the result, some suggestions about trends of Polycentricity and shrinking Centers in Japanese cities were acquired as follows.<br> 1. As the population size of employees in the whole Metropolitan Employment Area comes large, urban Centers defined by the number of employees tend to be numerous, have low homogeneity, and have less dominance in a rate of employee population. And as the area size of Metropolitan Employment Area comes large, urban Centers defined by the number of employees tend to have high homogeneity and have more dominance in a rate of employee population.<br> 2. Applying Polycentricity from MFA with permanent population, “Relative Densely Inhabited District” (RDID) is able to be defined and it can be carried out to analyze trends of urban Centers changes in situations of City Shrinkage in small cities that have less DID. Additionally, using the changes of Polycentrism Indicators (N, Rc, HI) between 2005 and 2010, the shape changes of RDID with its shrinkage in relatively smaller cities are can be classified into 7 clusters in table 5.<br> 3. Classifying the shrinking cities into the 7 clusters, it became revealed that the percentage of cities that most large Center shrank and became homogeneous was relatively high in analyzed 78 cities. In the same way, the cities whose most small Centers disappeared had high percentage. On the other hand, it was detected that several cities were shrinking with these most large Centers split.


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