

  • Studies on IgA-type antibody in patients with hepatitis A
  • Aガタ カンエン ニ オケル IgAガタ コウタイ ノ ドウタイ



The determination of IgA-type antibody against hepatitis A antigen (IgA-type HA antibody) was carried out in 65 sera from 13 patients with hepatitis A by a modified method using anti-IgA coated beads instead of anti-IgM ones in the HAVAB-M kit (Dainabot Co.). The serum IgA-type HA antibody was already detected within 1 week after the onset of symptoms, with maximum levels being observed at approximately 3 weeks after the onset, and then it decreased gradually. These findings were similar to the changes of IgM-type HA antibody, but IgA-type HA antibody was still detectable at 18 weeks after the onset.<BR>In addition, IgA-type antibody in sera proved to be a dimeric form of serum IgA separated by high speed liquid chromatography.<BR>From these results, it was strongly suggested that the intestinal mucosa could play an important role as a major source of serum IgA-type HA antibody at the early stage of HA virus infection.


  • 肝臓

    肝臓 23 (1), 9-14, 1982

    一般社団法人 日本肝臓学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

