Femoral Wedge Osteotomy for Progressive Deformity after Diaphyseal Fractures in Two Children with Osteogenesis Imperfecta.

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  • 大腿骨骨折後の変形増強に対し矯正骨切り術を施行した骨形成不全症児の2例

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Patients with osteogenesis imperfecta are characterized by proneness to fractures, which often results in malunion. In this paper, we report two children with osteogenesis imperfecta who had femoral shaft fractures which showed progressive flexion deformity due to non-union. Correction wedge osteotomies were performed on those children and good bone union with normal alignment were obtained. Femoral wedge osteotomy is thought to be a good choice for the treatment of progressive deformity after a diaphyseal fracture in mild osteogenesis imperfecta cases.



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