
  • 岩男 弘毅
    産業技術総合研究所 地質調査情報センター


  • International cooperation for the utilization of earth observational data in an integrated manner
  • チキュウ カンソク データ ノ トウゴウテキ リヨウ ノ タメ ノ コクサイ レンケイ : ゼン キュウ チキュウ カンソク システム ノ キョウツウ キバン ノ ヒョウジュンカ
  • — Development of <i>de jure</i> standardization of the common infrastructure for the global earth observation system of systems —
  • - 全球地球観測システムの共通基盤の標準化 -



While each country separately obtains, processes, and utilizes earth observation data, there is a pressing need for a common infrastructure to facilitate integrated use of these resources. At an intergovernmental meeting, an international agreement was reached to construct a common infrastructure for the global earth observation system. Several organizations have submitted components for this infrastructure. These submissions were fairly evaluated, and the most suitable components were recommended for inclusion into the infrastructure system, at the intergovernmental meeting. Recommendation of specific infrastructure components establishes de jure standards for the global earth observation system. Since Japan has not offered its own components, it has been able to take a neutral stance on formulating de jure standards. Consequently, the standards widely used as de facto in Japan have been selected as de jure standards. This experience could be a model case for the development of a strategy for international standardization activity.


  • Synthesiology

    Synthesiology 5 (3), 152-161, 2012

    国立研究開発法人 産業技術総合研究所

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