Manufactuaring Process of Aromatic Aldehydes by Liquid Phase Autoxidation

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  • 液相自動酸化法による芳香族アルデヒド合成
  • エキソウ ジドウ サンカホウ ニヨル ホウコウゾク アルデヒド ゴウセイ

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In general, it is difficult to prepare an aromatic aldehyde by the liquid-phase autoxidation of the corresponding toluene derivative because the aldehyde once formed is immediately oxidized to the carboxylic acid. The present author and his co-workers have been trying to prepare an aromatic aldehyde by the autoxidation of the corresponding toluene derivative, and have succeeded in obtaining the aldehyde with a good yield.<BR>Therefore, the author's works on the synthesis of aromatic aldehydes by autoxidation are reviewed in some detail covering the following subjects : synthesis of hydrocarbyloxy benzaldehydes by liquid phase autoxidation of hydrocarbyloxy toluenes in acetic acid in the presence of cobalt acetate, synthesis of substituted benzaldehydes by liquid phase autoxidation of substituted toluenes in acetic acid in the presence of cobalt acetate and sodium bromide.<BR>To clarify the description of the author's works, a brief survey on the industrial routes and use of aromatic aldehydes, especially benzaldehyde, anisaldehyde, and m-phenoxybenzaldehyde, is given. Benzaldehyde is the simplest aromatic aldehyde, anisaldehyde is produced in the highest yield with the author's method and m-phenoxybenzaldehyde is one of the key elements of the insecticides named “synthetic pyrethroides”.


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