The Essence of Truth according to Bollnow


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  • ボルノウにおける真理の本質


Bollnow's conception of the problem of truth is found in his quest for a methodologically independent basis for the spiritual sciences and, consequently, for a type of objectivity proper to these sciences. Taking up the differences between “understanding” and “explaining, ” he finds truth in the effort required to “understand.” Truth is found in the midst of a relation with a subject. “Encounter” is found here, and the primordial sources of truth are found in this process of encountering. Consequently, all the conditions for the objectivity of truth can be taken from an analysis of this concept of “encounter ;” namely, the resistance found in meeting, super-subjectivity, and sincerity. Hence, truth can be graphically represented as : truth-encounter-subject. “Encounter, ” of course, is taken in an existential sense ; therefore, truth too is taken in this sense. We can, however, understand Bollnow's conception of truth as a noncontinuous thought form and put it in the service of pedagogical thought forms. In this fashion, we must seek to understand the essence of truth in Bollnow's thought.


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