The problem of introduced goats on Uotsuri-Jima in the Senkaku Islands

  • Yokohata Yasushi
    Department of Environmental Biology, Faculty of Education, Toyama University
  • Yokota Masatsugu
    Laboratory of Ecology and Systematics, Faculty of Science, University of the Ryukyus

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  • 尖閣諸島魚釣島の野生化ヤギ問題について
  • センカク ショトウ ウオツリトウ ノ ヤセイカ ヤギ モンダイ ニ ツイテ

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Uotsuri-jima Island in the Senkaku Islands, southwestern Japan is a small island characterized by very valuable biota with high endemicity which has formed over a long period of isolation. The ecosystem on this island is under the risk of total destruction because of the presence of domestic goats, Capra aegarus, were introduced in 1978 by a private political party in Japan and increased to more than 300 individuals. This problem is made more difficult due to the territorial conflicts over the Islands by Japan, China and Taiwan.


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