

  • Analysis of matrix calcification and change in the matrix viscoelasticity by osteoblasts cultured in agarose gel matrix
  • 奨励賞受賞論文 骨芽細胞によるマトリックス石灰化過程とマトリックスの粘弾性変化の解析
  • ショウレイショウ ジュショウ ロンブン コツガ サイボウ ニ ヨル マトリックス セッカイカ カテイ ト マトリックス ノ ネンダンセイ ヘンカ ノ カイセキ



Osteoblasts are cells known to calcify extracellular matrices in bone by depositing hydroxyapatite (HAp) mineral particles. Only few reports have been published about HAp crystallization and matrix hardening process, though there have been many works on the cell differentiation and the response of cells to the external excitation at a gene level. The aim of this project was to investigate the crystallization process of HAp precipitated by osteoblasts in bone and to see when macroscopic reinforcement effect of extracellular matrix by HAp crystal particles becomes remarkable. For this purpose, we constructed an agarose gel-osteoblasts composite as a model system for bone generation. Culturing osteoblasts in the agarose gel, the time course of HAp crystallization and the reinforcement of composite by the precipitated HAp particles was investigated by means of Alizarin Red S staining, X-ray diffraction and stress-relaxation experiments. It was found that the reinforcement proceeded non-linearly, though HAp deposition and crystallization was almost proportional to the culture time. The result could be discussed on the basis of a percolation concept of HAp particles in agarose gel matrix.


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