Photoproduction of hydrogen by photosynthetic bacteria

  • Wakayama Tatsuki
    National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST),<br>Tissue Engineering Research Center (TERC)
  • Miyake Jun
    National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST),<br>Tissue Engineering Research Center (TERC)

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Other Title
  • 光合成細菌を利用した水素生産


The major technology barrier to practical use for energy production is limited conversion efficiency from light energy to hydrogen energy by photosynthetic bacteria. Conversion efficiency decreased by the characteristics of the light and photosynthetic bacteria. To avoid this problem, we examined the two different approaches. First, we developed different types of efficient photobioreactor suitable for the characteristics of sunlight. With the inner irradiate type of photobioreactor, the conversion efficiency increased to 2.0 times as compared to that basic plate type of photobioreactor. Å@Secondly, we examined the mutant of which has small amount of pigments for improvement of light penetration. With using the UV mutant, the conversion efficiency increased to 1.5 times as compared to that of wild type of photosynthetic bacteria. Improvement of the conversion efficiency was seen in the both approaches.


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    • CiNii Articles
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