沖縄の子どもの貧困と福祉行政の貧困について(II <特集2>公開シンポジウム 沖縄から地方の教育政策と格差を問う)


  • Poverty of Children and Welfare Administration in Okinawa(II <Special Papers 2>Questioning Local Education Policies and Gaps-Aspects from Okinawa)
  • 沖縄の子どもの貧困と福祉行政の貧困について
  • オキナワ ノ コドモ ノ ヒンコン ト フクシ ギョウセイ ノ ヒンコン ニ ツイテ



Child Poverty in Okinawa comes from two factors: Starting from zero because of the Battle of Okinawa and American Occupation lasting 27 years. These years made the big difference between the Japanese mainland and Okinawa in education and welfare. The Child Welfare Law was enacted 6 years later than in Japan. Public nursery schools were also established later than in Japan. So uniquely in Okinawa, unauthorized nursery schools exceed authorized ones. Many incidents and accidents by the US military caused the campaign for a return to the homeland. Such fluid society could have an influence on children. Even after Okinawa was returned to Japan, many divorces were due to economic factors. The divorce rate of Okinawa has been the highest in Japan since 1985. At night mothers have to work leaving their children at home in order to make a living. So the children wander at night and this leads to juvenile delinquency. To cut off the reproduction of poverty, we claim the establishment of 'Okinawa Child Raising Plan'.


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