G030064 Fatigue Strength Diagram of Aluminum Alloys at High Temperature : Part4: Validation of Formulas for Various Alloys

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  • G030064 時間強度によるアルミ合金の高温疲労限度線図(その4:種々の合金による構成式の検証)([G03006]材料力学部門一般セッション(6):高温・環境)


Fatigue strength diagrams, applied to the estimation of fatigue strength under mean stress or residual stress, are not so common with regards to aluminum alloys because they do not have endurance limits, especially at high temperatures. Therefore, we created the generalized fatigue strength diagram at N cycles of aluminum alloy at high temperature, using the strength at N cycles, rather than at the endurance limit, and divided the single line into the multiple ones by fracture feature. The feature divisions are typical fatigue failure, failure with plastic deformation, and failure with creep deformation. Then, we formulated the constitutive equations for this set of the fatigue strength curves at N cycles. In this study, we estimate creep stress component n on the constitutive equation for creep mode. The results are summarized as follows: (1) n=7, the maximum value for general dislocation creep, is passable for some aluminum alloys on the safe side, (2) it becomes obvious that the constitutive equation for creep mode on the fatigue strength diagram involves both a time-depend fracture model and a cycle-depend one for more proper estimation.


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