Ferromagnetic Cluster Glass Behavior and Large Magnetocaloric Effect in Ho<sub>2</sub>PtSi<sub>3</sub>


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  • Ho<sub>2</sub>PtSi<sub>3</sub>における強磁性クラスターグラス挙動および大きな磁気熱量効果


<p>We report the magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effect of Ho_2_PtSi_3_, a new ternary intermetallic compound determined to crystallize in the orthorhombic Ba_2_LiSi_3_-type structure. Dc magnetization, ac susceptibilit, magnetic relaxation, electrical resistivity and specific heat measurements indicate that this system undergoes a ferromagnetic cluster glass transition at T_C_〜5.5 K. Typical features of the ferromagnetic cluster glass state include (i) a frequency-dependent cusp in the ac susceptibility, (ii) an irreversibility in the temperature dependence of the dc magnetization, (iii) a very slow decay of the remanence, (iv) evident ZFC memory effect at the temperature below T_C_, and (v) broad peak in temperature dependencies of specific heat and electrical resistivity. On the other hand, large magnetocaloric effect is also observed for the Ho_2_PtSi_3_ alloy. The maximum value of magnetic entropy change estimated from both magnetization and specific heat measurements is as large as 24.3 J/kg/K at the temperature near T_C_ for a field change of 5 T. These results indicate that large ferromagnetic clusters are formed in Ho_2_PtSi_3_ and a ferromagnetic cluster glass transition occurs below 〜5.5 K, which results in a large magnetocaloric effect in this system.</p>


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