The Synthesis and Evaluation of Layered Zirconium Phosphate and Aluminium Phosphate Intercalated by Quaternary Ammonium Ions.

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  • 第4級アンモニウムイオンをインターカレートした層状リン酸ジルコニウムおよびリン酸アルミニウム化合物の合成と評価
  • ダイ4キュウ アンモニウムイオン オ インターカレート シタ ソウジョウ リンサン ジルコニウム オヨビ リンサン アルミニウム カゴウブツ ノ ゴウセイ ト ヒョウカ

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The layered phosphates, mainly represented as MIV(HPO4)2·nH2O (M:metal ion), are the compounds which have the layered crystal structures. The layered phosphates have a lot of advantages such as high selectivity, and high stability against the strong acid solutions, radioactive rays and temperature owing to their steric structure as inorganic ion exchangers. Lately, the layered phosphates are remarked increasingly as a host material for intercalation compounds. If the quaternary ammonium ions can be intercalated into the layered phosphates, the disadvantages of heat resistance for organic medicaments might be improved and antibacterial properties might be provided to the phosphates. Zr(HPO4)2·H2O and AlH2P3O10·2H2O were selected for the present investigation as hosts of intercalation of the quaternary ammonium ions. It is clarified that benzalkonium ion intercalates easily in Zr(HPO4)2·H2O by the reaction between benzalkonium chloride solution and Zr(HPO4)2·H2O, and almost pure intercalation compounds can be obtained at the concentration of the benzalkonium chloride less than 5.7 mmol dm-3. On the contrary, butyl amine treatment is necessary for the intercalation of the quaternary ammonium ions to AlH2P3O10·2H2O. The intercalation compounds obtained here show the sterilizing effect for several bacteria and improvement of the thermal stability of quaternary ammonium ions by holding in Zr(HPO4)2 and AlH2P3O10·2H2O.


  • Shigen-to-Sozai

    Shigen-to-Sozai 115 (2), 103-106, 1999

    The Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan


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