

  • Influence of the Thermal Oxide Layer on the Ionic Transport During Barrier Anodic Film Formation on Aluminum
  • バリヤー型Alアノード酸化皮膜成長時のAl3+及びO2-イオンの移動に及ぼす熱酸化皮膜の影響
  • バリヤーガタ Al アノード サンカ ヒマク セイチョウジ ノ Al3 + オ



Barrier anodic oxide films were formed in an aqueous solution of sodium tungstate on electropolished aluminum sheets of 99.99% purity with and without thermal oxidation. The structure of these films were determined by transmission electron microscopy of ultramicrotomed sections. For the films formed on the thermally oxidized specimens, the development of γ′-alumina islands was observed locally near the middle of normal amorphous barrier oxide layer due to the presence, in the thermal oxide layer, of tiny crystallites of γ-alumina that serve as effective nucleation sites for the growth of γ′-alumina. Except for local regions containing γ′-alumina islands, normal amorphous barrier film formation was observed. No significant differences were observed in the nm/V ratio and the proportion of the outer W6+-doped layer to the total film thickness between the films formed on the thermally oxidized specimens and those on the electropolished specimens without thermal oxidation. It is concluded that the amorphous thermal oxide layer has little effect, if any, on the ionic transport during barrier anodic film formation on aluminum.


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