

  • Synthesis of Anisotropic W-type Ferrite from M-type Ferrite and Spinel Ferrite Compounds
  • 平成26年度春季大会〔講演特集 永久磁石の研究,応用に関する重要問題〕 M型フェライトとスピネルフェライトを用いた異方性W型フェライトの合成
  • ヘイセイ 26ネンド シュンキ タイカイ 〔 コウエン トクシュウ エイキュウ ジシャク ノ ケンキュウ,オウヨウ ニ カンスル ジュウヨウ モンダイ 〕 Mガタ フェライト ト スピネルフェライト オ モチイタ イホウセイ Wガタ フェライト ノ ゴウセイ



Synthesis of W-type ferrite compounds without atmosphere controlling was investigated focus on the starting materials. W-type ferrite was hard to synthesize without oxygen controlling because W-type ferrite phase exists only at high temperature above 1390 °C at atmospheric pressure due to the existence of Fe2+ and Fe3+ simultaneously. Our new concept is to use M-type ferrite and Spinel ferrite as starting materials because Spinel ferrite contains bivalent and trivalent 3d metal ions. As results, W-type ferrite was simply obtained by calcining in air through the inter-diffusion between M-type ferrite and Spinel ferrite. The anisotropic W-type ferrite compounds were also obtained by aligning the c-axes of the M-type ferrite grains. We concluded that the synthesis using M-type ferrite and Spinel ferrite as starting materials is effective to generate W-type ferrite independent of kinds of bivalent 3d metal ions without oxygen controlling.


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