MRI 前室におけるbelt partition を用いた区域分割の有用性―アンケート調査による危険行動抑制効果の分析―


  • The Usefulness of Zone Division Using Belt Partition at the Entry Zone of MRI Machine Room: An Analysis of the Restrictive Effect of Dangerous Action Using a Questionnaire
  • 臨床技術 MRI前室におけるbelt partitionを用いた区域分割の有用性 : アンケート調査による危険行動抑制効果の分析
  • リンショウ ギジュツ MRI ゼンシツ ニ オケル belt partition オ モチイタ クイキ ブンカツ ノ ユウヨウセイ : アンケート チョウサ ニ ヨル キケン コウドウ ヨクセイ コウカ ノ ブンセキ



<p>The American College of Radiology recommends dividing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machine rooms into four zones depending on the education level. However, structural limitations restrict us to apply such recommendation in most of the Japanese facilities. This study examines the effectiveness of the usage of a belt partition to create the zonal division by a questionnaire survey including three critical parameters. They are, the influence of individuals’ background (relevance to MRI, years of experience, individuals’ post, occupation [i.e., nurse or nursing assistant], outpatient section or ward), the presence or absence of a door or belt partition (opening or closing), and any four personnel scenarios that may be encountered during a visit to an MRI site (e.g., from visiting the MRI site to receive a patient) . In this survey, the influence of dangerous action is uncertain on individuals’ backgrounds (maximum odds ratio: 6.3, 95% CI: 1.47–27.31) and the scenarios of personnel (maximum risk ratio: 2.4, 95% CI: 1.16–4.85). Conversely, the presence of the door and belt partition influences significantly (maximum risk ratio: 17.4, 95% CI: 7.94–17.38). For that reason, we suggest that visual impression has a strong influence on an individuals’ actions. Even if structural limitations are present, zonal division by belt partition will provide a visual deterrent. Then, the partitioned zone will serve as a buffer zone. We conclude that if the belt partition is used properly, it is an inexpensive and effective safety management device for MRI rooms.</p>


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