

  • Studies on Oils and Sterols of Algae (Part II)
  • カイソウユ オヨビ ソノ ステロール ニ カンスル ケンキュウ 2
  • Structure of <i>Sargassum</i>-sterol
  • オホバモクステロールの構造に就て



The anther isolated algal sterol from Sargassum ringgoldianum Harv. (Browh algae) and examined the chemical properties of this sterol.<br> The results obtained were as follows.<br> (1) The sterol (m. p. 123°) was isolated from unsaponifiable material of Sargassum-lipids, Chemical properties of steryl derivatives: steryl acetate (m. p. 118°[α]16 ?? =-42.60°), steryl acetate bromide (decomp. p. 128°), steryl benzoate (m. p. 115°) saponification value of acetate (123.68), molecular weight (453.65) (corespond. C31 H50 O2).<br> From the results of elemental analysis this algal sterol may has the composition C29H480.<br> (2) Moreover the unsaponifiable material of Sargassum-lipids contains small amounts of sterol of lower melting point (steryl acetate m. p. 100°).<br> (3) The sterol (m. p. 123°) contains two double bonds and the existence of two ethenoid linkages is clearly demonstrated by perheuzoic acid titration or by preparation of steryl acetate tetrabromide.<br> (4) Hydrogenation of steryl acetate in ethyl acetate-acetone solution in the presence of paladium-black gives a dihydrosterol (m. p.133°), but no resemblant product has been isolated by Raney-Ni catalyst, so the both of its ethenoid linkages are contained in the condensed ring system.<br> This algal sterol might be the same as Fucosterol or Pelvesterol.


  • 日本水産学会誌

    日本水産学会誌 17 (8-9), 20-24, 1952

    公益社団法人 日本水産学会


詳細情報 詳細情報について

