著者名,論文名,雑誌名,ISSN,出版者名,出版日付,巻,号,ページ,URL,URL(DOI) Watanabe Mitsuru and Sumi Koichiro and Obuchi Toshiki and Shijo Katsunori and Kano Toshikazu and Kobayashi Kazutaka and Oshima Hideki and Fukaya Chikashi and Yoshino Atsuo and Yamamoto Takamitsu and Katayama Yoichi,Application of Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) Tractography as a Targeting Modality for Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) of the Subthalamic Nucleus (STN),日大医学雑誌,00290424,日本大学医学会,2015,74,2,63-68,https://cir.nii.ac.jp/crid/1390282681409068160,https://doi.org/10.4264/numa.74.63