

  • Electron Microscopic Analysis of Aortic Wall Permeability Visualization of the Transendothelial Passage through Intercellular Junctions in Endothelial Cells of Aortic Wall and Vasa Vasorum using Peroxidase as a Tracer
  • 大動脈壁透過性に関する電子顕微鏡的解析 大動脈内腔被覆内皮細胞間隙及び栄養血管毛細内皮細胞間隙よりの非脂溶性粒子通過の証明
  • ダイドウミャクヘキ トウカセイ ニ カンスル デンシ ケンビキョウテキ カイセキ ダイドウミャク ナイコウ ヒフク ナイヒ サイボウ カンゲキ オヨビ エイヨウ ケッカンモウサイナイヒ サイボウ カンゲキ ヨリ ノ ヒシ ヨウセイ リュウシ ツウカ ノ ショウメイ



For the transport of serous substances from the luminal side to the outer side of the vascular endothelial cell, various pathways have been pro-posed by physiologists. However, due to the re-cent progress of electron microscopic technique the transport by vesicle system has been clearly demonstrated by PALADE (1953). Thereafter, KARNOVSKY (1967) succeeded in demonstrating the transport through intercellular junctions of capillary endothelial cells of heart muscles and skeletal muscles of mice, but the transport through intercellular junctions of capillaries of the central nervous system has not been demonstrated by REESE (1967). In order to clarify the transendothelial passage through intercellular junctions in endothelial cells of aortic wall and vasa vasorum of rabbits and cockerels, the author studied with horseradish peroxidase, a lipid-insoluble protein of relatively low molecular weight (40, 000, 25-30Å), and carbon particles of high molecular weight (200-500Å) as a tracer. Materials and Methods Seven healthy male rabbits, weighing 2.0-3.2 kg, and five healthy cockerels, weighing 1.3-1.8 kg, were used. Two unanesthetized rabbits and two cockerels were injected intravenously with 2.5 cc/kg of 50% carbon suspension. Three rabbits and one cockerel were injected intravenously with 250 mg/kg of horseradish peroxidase (Sigma type II). Control rabbits and cockerels were injected with isotonic saline only. One rabbit aorta was taken five minutes after the injection of peroxides, but other aortas were taken 15 minutes after the injection of carbon particles or peroxides. The aorta was fixed with 2% osmium tetroxide buffered to pH 7.4 and kept for 30 minutes in an ice-box. It was then dehydrated with graded ethanol and embedded in Epon 81 2 following the procedure of Luft. The cross and longitudinal sections were cut on an Ultratome-LKB and stained with a saturated aqueous solution of uranyl acetate. With a Hitachi-HU11A microscope were taken electron microscopic photographs of the aortic endothelium and vasa vasorum, respectively, found in the inner and middle parts of aortic medial layers. Results 1) Control: The luminal surface of the aortic endothelium and vasa vasorum of rabbits was even, and that of cockerels was uneven and characterized by marginal folds and vacuoles. There were no particles in vesicles and vacuoles, and intercellular junctions of the aortic endothelium and vasa vasorum of both species.


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