

  • Reynolds Number Effects on Internal Flow and Performance in a Transonic Centrifugal Compressor Impeller
  • センオンソク エンシン アッシュクキ ハネグルマ ノ ナイブ リュウドウ オヨビ セイノウ ニ オヨボス レイノルズスウ ノ エイキョウ



<p>This paper presents effects of Reynolds number on the flow field and performance in a transonic centrifugal compressor impeller. Steady-state single passage RANS simulations with the low-Reynolds number k-omega turbulence model have been conducted to investigate the effects. The machine Reynolds number was changed in the range of 104 to 106 under the similarity rule in turbomahines. The substantial changes in vortical flow structures and separated flow patterns are described by taking advantage of the data mining techniques: vortex identification and limiting streamline topology analysis with the line integral convolution (LIC) method. The simulations also show the performance deterioration with Reynolds number decrease, but its trend is somewhat different from the expectation from the previous research papers.</p>


  • ターボ機械

    ターボ機械 46 (4), 207-214, 2018

    一般社団法人 ターボ機械協会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

