Database Architecture for Secondary Use of Geoinformation

  • NAKADA Fumio
    former Nonprofit Organization Geological Information Utilization and Promotion Initiative
  • TANAKA Yoshito
    Minaminihon Engineering Consultants Co.,Ltd.
  • KITAMURA Ryosuke
    Department of Ocean Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kagoshima University
  • SAKO Kazunari
    Department of Ocean Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kagoshima University
  • ITOH Shinichi
    Department of Ocean Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kagoshima University

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Other Title
  • 二次利用を目的とした地盤情報データベースの構築
  • システム・ソフトウェア開発 二次利用を目的とした地盤情報データベースの構築
  • システム ・ ソフトウェア カイハツ ニジ リヨウ オ モクテキ ト シタ ジバン ジョウホウ データベース ノ コウチク

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<p>The database architected by the authors has been used to establish the geological model and to analyze the mechanical behaviors of ground from the geotechnical engineering viewpoint. It is the distinguished feature for the proposed database that the “observation articles” in the boring log are taken account of, which makes the prompt search of geoinformation to identify the sedimentary environment of strata easy. Furthermore, the authors have architected a prototype to manage the ground meshes of geoinformation, which means to be the secondary use of geoinformation registered in the database in this paper. By using the secondary geoinformation, it may be considered to be easy to collect the geoinformation possessed by the private organizations. As a result, it is considered that the proposed database contributes to improve the accuracy of 3D model of ground.</p>


  • Geoinformatics

    Geoinformatics 30 (4), 237-251, 2019-12-25

    Japan Society of Geoinformatics


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