防災カードゲームを用いたリスクコミュニケーションが市民の防災行動に及ぼす効果 ―参加者への追跡調査に基づく検討―


  • Effects on Citizen’s Disaster Preparation Behaviors by Risk Communication Using an Imagination Card Game: Verification Based on a Follow-up Survey on the Participants
  • ボウサイ カードゲーム オ モチイタ リスク コミュニケーション ガ シミン ノ ボウサイ コウドウ ニ オヨボス コウカ : サンカシャ エ ノ ツイセキ チョウサ ニ モトズク ケントウ



<p>In order to prepare for various kinds of disaster, it is required for each household to stock up for difficulties under a disaster. Although many workshops(WS) on citizens for disaster management have been held, the effects of them have not been examined well. Therefore, we hold WSs using a disaster imagination card game: "Areganai! Dohsuru?" which was originally developed on two community associations in Nagareyama city and Yashio city. And, we asked the participants to answer questionnaires three times: just before and after the WS and two months after it. Based on the obtained data, we grasped the actual conditions of preparations in respondents’ home against disasters after the WS, and examined the factors to accelerate the preparedness in each home.</p>


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