
  • 溝尻 瑞枝
    長岡技術科学大学 技学研究院 機械創造工学専攻


  • Direct Writing of Metal Patterns in Ambient Atmosphere by Femtosecond Laser Pulses
  • フェムトビョウ レーザ ネツ カンゲン オ モチイタ キンゾク ノ タイキ チュウ パターニング



<p>Metal and metal oxide micropatterns were fabricated in ambient atmosphere by femtosecond laser-pulse-induced reductive sintering using metal oxide nanoparticles. First, metal oxide nanoparticle inks consisting of the nanoparticles, dispersant, and reductant agents, were coated on glass substrates. Then, in the case of using linear optical absorption, femtosecond laser pulses were focused onto the surface of the ink films to induce thermochemical reduction. In the case of using nonlinear optical absorption, femtosecond laser pulses were focused into the inks which exhibited high transparency at the laser wavelength. Finally, non-sintered nanoparticles were removed by rinsing the samples in ethylene glycol and ethanol. Cu/Cu2O composite temperature sensors and thermoelectric sensors were fabricated using CuO nanoparticle inks and CuO/NiO nanoparticle inks, respectively. The degree of the reduction from the inks was controlled by the laser irradiation conditions such as the laser pulse energy and the scanning speed. These direct writing process of the sensors in the air allows us to fabricate various sensors on the surface of the arbitral elements.</p>


  • トライボロジスト

    トライボロジスト 66 (10), 750-755, 2021-10-15

    一般社団法人 日本トライボロジー学会

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