雍正時代に於ける學臣制の改革 : 主として其の任用法を中心として

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  • Government School Inspectors(學臣) for the Yung-chêng 雍正 Period
  • ヨウセイ ジダイ ニ オケル ガク シンセイ ノ カイカク シュトシテ ソノ ニンヨウホウ オ チュウシン ト シテ
  • 雍正時代に於ける学臣制の改革 : 主として其の任用法を中心として



The most important duties of government school inspectors were to give some of the government examinations and to preside over all educational affairs in every province. Even the provincial governor could not interfere with their rights of examination and education, because they were dispatched by the emperor. The Ch'ing-kuo-hsing-cheng-fa (清國行政法) vol. 3, (p. 491) explains that they were generally selected from among officials of the Han-lin Academy. But at the beginning of the Ch'ing dynasty [i.e. in the reigns of Shun-chih (順治) and K'ang-hsi (康熙)], officials of the Han-lin Academy were seldom appointed to the post, and the local officials were often selected. In 1727, the Yung-cheng emperor decided to select them chiefty from among officials of the Han-lin Academy, in oder to centralize provincial rights of education. In fact, the reign of the emperor was a transition from the political system of the Manchus to that of modern Chinese despotism.


  • 東洋史研究

    東洋史研究 18 (3), 267-283, 1959-12-20



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