Classification of Genuine and Posed Smiles by Photo-reflective Sensors Embedded with Smart Eyewear

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  • 反射型光センサアレイを用いた眼鏡型装置による作り笑いと自然な笑いの識別

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Smile is one of the representative facial expressions which is observed frequently in daily life and essential for various non-verbal communications. People make genuine smiles and posed ones. If computers can recognize properly whether a person's smile is genuine or posed, an interactive system can understand the inner feelings of the user from their smile or we can use it as an input system by smile. In this study, we propose a smile classification system with a smart eyewear that equips photo-reflective sensors and examine whether we can distinguish two types of smiles; genuine smiles caused by funny videos and posed smiles evoked by instructions. We extract geometric features: reflection intensity distribution of sensors and temporal features in the time axis. By applying Support Vector Machine, we observed 94.6% as the mean accuracy among 12 participants with user-dependent training. The accuracy was higher than human judgement with videos (90.2%). Also, the accuracy when using Convolutional Neural Network with user-independent training was 82.9%.


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