The significance of historical research in marketing:


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Other Title
  • マーケティングにおける歴史研究の意義
  • From the perspective of business history
  • ―経営史研究の視点から―


<p> The purpose of this paper is to examine the reasons why historical research in marketing is important and to clarify its significance. In particular, this paper suggests that the perspective of business history, which has had close relationship with study of marketing history, can make a great contribution to development of historical research in marketing. In order to discuss this, the paper will classify the development stages of modern business systems into four periods, as is well established in business history, and provide an overview of the features of marketing, and the reasons, the processes and the results of changes in each stage.</p><p> Historical consideration of such long-term transformations in marketing can shed light on the meanings of generalization and theorization of marketing, enhance the existing value of marketing discipline and encourage its development. At the same time, analysis and explanation methods in the historical study of marketing should be significant for the everyday decision making and behavior of marketing practitioners.</p>


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