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  • From Paul to Nicholas of Cusa : With Special Reference to a World of "(A⇔Ā)=A"

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中世ヨーロッパの哲学・神学者で,かつ教会政治家でもあったニコラウス・クザーヌス(1401~1464)を事例研究の対象に取り上げ,主著の一つ『知ある無知』を中心に,その中に頻出する「包含と展開」,「一性と多性」,「原像と似像」,「上昇と下降」といった対概念を手ががりとして,彼が人生の転機に獲得した神学思想の中核部分を明らかにするとともに,それが(A⇔Ā)=Aの図式(藤田, 2001・2003)に適うことから,さらには彼の的確なパウロ理解に徴して,彼をパウロの思想的後継に擬する筆者の見解を提示した。

This case study treated of Nicholas of Cusa(1401-1464), an eminent theologian and philosopher as well as an able church politician in medieval Europe. Based on "De Docta Ignorantia", one of his major writings, the essence of his theology developed at the turning point of his life was clarified with due consideration of some paired concepts frequently seen in the above book, such as 'complicatio vs. explicatio', 'unitas vs. diversitas', 'exemplar vs. imago' and 'ascensus vs. descensus'. Also to his case the scheme of (A⇔Ā)=A found in the case of St. Paul could be applied and his understanding of St. Paul's precepts was strictly accurate. Therefore he was regarded as a successor to St. Paul in the current of religious thought.


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