Two cases of actinomycosis with rhinolith and granulomatous otitis externa


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  • 鼻石と外耳道肉芽腫を生じた放線菌症の2症例

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<p>We encountered two rare cases of actinomycosis that occurred in the nasal sinus and external ear, respectively.</p><p>Case 1: A 55-year-old woman presented to our hospital complaining of left temporal headache. A hard rhinolith was found in her left common nasal meatus and was removed with forceps. Based on the pathological examination, we diagnosed it as a rhinolith caused by actinomyces. After the removal of the nasal foreign body, her left temporal headache improved immediately.</p><p>Case 2: A 63-year-old woman presented with hearing loss and pain in the right ear. Her right auditory canal was filled with granulation, and surgery was performed to remove the granulation and an infectious foreign body. Upon pathological examination, a plant-derived foreign body and an actinomycete mass were found to accompany the inflammatory granulation. Postoperatively, her right tympanic membrane perforation remained; however, the conductive hearing loss was relieved.</p>


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